The Lord did not avoid His Cross or all the manifold difficulties it presented to His weary and abused Body in those final hours of His Life. Here, in this image taken from The Passion of the Christ, Jesus embraces, even caresses the gritty, splintered wood that He would transform into "The Tree of Life." For from this tree He would pour out our salvation, and its fruit would "be for food, and [its] leaves for healing." (Ezekiel 47:12) How often in my earthly pilgrimage I have despised not the shame of the cross, but the cross itself. How often I have known the good that needed to be done, but despaired of its fulfillment because the task would cause me difficulty, humiliation, or pain. Jesus saw past immediate (excruciating!) pain to the fruit of His sacrifice. I can recall many times that I have come home after a long day, burdened with regret for things left undone which should have been done, if not for my own trepidation. I can also recall the times that I have embraced difficulty for the sake of a greater purpose, a greater good, and come to my place of rest with a happy conscience. Teach us Lord to "earnestly desire the higher gifts. And [show us] a still more excellent way." (1 Cor 12:31) Then will we, living in a time that shuns painful sacrifice, learn the meaning of this "scandalous" embrace. Thank You for embracing Your Cross for us poor sinners, and "despising its shame."
We adore You O Christ, and we praise You, for by Your Holy Cross You have Redeemed the World. Amen.
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